Stenungsunds kommunvapen, länk till startsidan

Facts about Stenungsund

The municipality of Stenungsund was formed in 1952 by combining the small municipalities of Norum, Spekeröd, Ucklum and Ödsmål.

It then had 4 700 inhabitants. In 1971 Jörlanda and Stora Höga were included. The municipality covers an area of 252 square kilometres.

Today Stenungsund is an established industrial municipality with about 27 000 inhabitants.

About 6 500 people commute daily to their work in Stenungsund, and about 6 600 people have chosen to settle in Stenungsund and commute elsewhere, principally to Göteborg.

More facts about stenungsund: Municipal facts - Stenungsund Pdf, 354.7 kB, opens in new window.


The Council of Stenungsund
Strandvägen 15
444 82 Stenungsund

Phone: +46 (0)303-73 00 00
